willy schut

Feb. 11 and 12, 2023, Willy Schut exhibited at the gallery.

The sounds of her mother’s sewing machine, her mother’s work as a seamstress, there lies the source of Willy’s love of textiles.

Willy Schut is a fine artist with a passion for freehand and machine embroidery. Just as an illustrator draws with pencil, Willy draws with needle and thread. Willy uses fabric, yarn, paint and anything else that makes the image better. This can be old and discarded material such as beautiful pieces of wood, newsprint, plaster, plastic, etc.

Connecting and combining these materials creates the skin for a new work.
This is often followed by multiple layers: Free and intuitive embroidery by hand and sewing machine. But painting and appliqué are also techniques Willy uses to complete the work.
The works are often done in subtle tones.

Willy draws her inspiration from everyday events, new connections, lost contacts and gaining new experiences.
Right now, the overarching theme is Connections. Connections made possible by people and materials, but also connections that are broken or closed.

She also makes objects, booklets and boxes.

Willy participates in group and solo exhibitions, and in the summer she regularly exhibits at art fairs around the country.


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