group exhibition Out-standing

June 10, 2023 was the group exhibition Out-standing by 6 local and regional artists.

Gab de Muralt creates large paper works. She glues different papers together and then starts tearing into them and removing sections. This produces exciting structures, vistas and stories. Eljo van Zetten sees art as spiritual food. She tries to realize balm for the soul with her work. Elly Binkhorst exhibits two paintings from her Underwater World series. Because she has incorporated textiles and paper, a fascinating layering has been created. Anneke van der Molen paints doll-like figures. Marianne Brooijmans (not pictured) incorporates handmade paper, found and preserved materials into her work. In doing so, she evokes an atmosphere of timelessness and remembrance. Ingrid Slaa ‘s work, freedom and restriction are recurring themes. She makes this visible and tangible through her works in which the human body always plays a role.

Two works by each participant will be on display in the gallery. Very diverse work, both flat and spatial.

There is also going to be work. Each artist prepares 2 meters of canvas or paper at home for further work on the spot. The exciting part is that they may also paint, draw and paste into each other’s work. And visitors are invited to join in. Materials are plentiful.

The title of the exhibition is Out-stepping: artists reaching out to each other and to art lovers. There are passe-partouts available to “stick out” pieces from the large collaborative work. These pieces are on sale: 10 x 10 cm for €10, 15 x 15 cm for €15, – etc….

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