Eljo van Zetten

June 8 and 9, 2024 Eljo van Zetten exhibited at the gallery.

Eljo sees art as spiritual food. She seeks to realize balm for the soul in hopes of capturing the sublime and giving it a contemporary face.

Even as a toddler, she saw beauty in a flower and the color spectacle of the paint spinner.It was an absorption of textures and colors. No one around her, no one but her own eyes and mind, fed her artistic hunger and soul.

Eljo loves lived-in, unusual objects & materials. In it, she looks for an extra dimension that may be hidden in the beauty of harmony, intriguing structures, color and light. She is guided by her feelings, intuition and spirituality.

Editing, combining, or adding to the objects and materials creates new works, with new stories. It is her way of learning about the world around her and her own inner world. She calls this balm for her soul and necessary spiritual food.


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